Custom Challenges
The challenge runs through the Determined Results Fitness mobile app with a live leaderboard. There are many ways to collect points for completing activities relating to fitness, nutrition, and mindset. Your organization can see the data in real-time. Your efforts will produce positive health results which is a prize in itself!
Sales Presentation for custom challenge - Canva by Simer Singh
6 Weeks
$42/per personOne time
- $1/day per person
- Live leaderboard
12 Weeks
$75/per personOne time
- $0.90/day per person
- Live leaderboard
26 Weeks
145/per personOne time
- $0.80/day per person
- Live leaderboard
Let’s begin by scheduling a meeting to discuss the challenge for your organization. Please complete the form and we will reach out to you. We look forward to helping your people live healthier!
Example Leaderboard