D.R.Fitness Coaching
Custom program design & coaching
Fitness | Nutrition | Habits

Custom Workout Coaching
- Workouts designed specifically for you
- On going coaching with your trainer
- Accountability tracker
- Access to all prebuilt programs
Custom Workout Coaching
- Workouts designed specifically for you
- On going coaching with your trainer
- Accountability tracker
- Access to all prebuilt programs
Custom Workout Coaching
- Workouts designed specifically for you
- On going coaching with your trainer
- Accountability tracker
- Access to all prebuilt programs
Who is this program for?
The target audience for this program is people with at least an intermediate fitness level (not beginners) who don’t think they need dedicated time 1:1 with a trainer, but need some push to get further (stronger, faster, more consistent.)
If you have a Blakeney Club membership then you can take advantage of over 100 exercises recorded inside the Blakeney Club gym and hundreds in other gyms and using home equipment.
If you answer YES to these questions this program could be for you.
Directly from our members why they enrolled in our coaching program.
– Decision fatigue –
I know I need to work on strength. I’m reasonably knowledgeable and capable enough to piece together workouts and go to the gym myself. But I have to think about SO MUCH ALREADY: work, kid stuff, what to make for dinner, what to make for lunch, what to get at the store, what to watch on Netflix at 9pm!! (hey, a decision’s a decision!). In this program the decisions have been made already. I just need to do what I’m told.
– Customization –
I define the rules. I wanted two home workouts and one gym workout, so the program was built that way. I didn’t want to blow up the ab ball or buy a suspension trainer, so the program does not include exercises that use them. I said I liked squats so more squats were added. I said I hate burpees so they were included in all three workouts, JK.
– Flexibility –
The Y strength classes, Burn, and FiA/F3 have set schedules. 1:1 sessions with a trainer can be rescheduled, but it takes effort and coordination between two people. I can complete my workout as needed in the morning, pause to answer a work email, or move the workout to the next day. The fact that the app reminds me I have a workout to do prevents me from getting TOO flexible and forgetting to complete it entirely.
– Immediate gratification –
Yes, I see muscles and carry heavier weights now compared to when I started. But what I am referring to is the little badges that pop up when you lift more weights or run more miles. Not something that’s TRULY motivating to people, but I’d miss it if it was gone.

Steps to build your custom program.
Here are the nuts and bolts of your custom program.
List all the pieces of equipment you want to use for your workouts. We can start with the equipment you have at home then after a while, I can include a gym or if you want like 2 days at home and 1 at the gym, that works also.
How long do you want the workouts to be? 10 to 60 minutes and 1 to 5 days is typical with 3 days 45 minutes being most popular. If more than 3 days people usually like shorter workouts like 30 minutes.
1 to 5 days with a 3 days per week example that could be M,W,F or T, Th, Sa. This can help in designing if you plan to do a day of rest in between each strength training or if you plan on doing them back to back in any way, like M, W,Th or T, Th,Fr. etc…
Workout Splits, 3 day, 4 day, and 5 days:
3-day workouts split options:
- Fullbody, rest, fullbody, rest, fullbody
- Fullbody, rest, lower body, upper body
- Fullbody, rest, push, pull
- Lower body, rest, upper body, arms/core
4-day workouts split options:
- Upper, lower, rest, upper, lower
- Push, pull, rest, push pull
- Lower, upper, arms, core
- Lower, upper, arms/core, rest, fullbody
5-day workouts split options:
- Upper, lower, cardio/core, upper, lower
- Push, pull, core, push, pull
- Lower, upper, arms, core, rest, fullbody
Workout delivery:
Programs are delivered in my mobile app each exercise has a video demonstration. I can schedule the workouts on a calendar for accountability I will see when you have completed or missed each workout. Each workout has tracking of weight and reps so you can see your history and try to beat your previous weight or reps.
Workout programming:
I can make a new routine every 3 weeks for you which could be new exercises or changing the split to create a new challenge for your body. For example, for many of my 3/day week clients in-person, I’ll write them a 9-week program with 3 phases changing the workout split in each phase, but keeping the same exercises. This allows the body to become proficient at the exercise, but remain continuously challenged by changing the split. Then I change all the exercises and begin another 3 phase plan.
During the program, if you don’t like a workout or want it to be shorter/longer, or replace and exercise message me in the app or email me.
Founding member discount:
I am offering the first 20 members a discount for being the first and to help me make this offering better with feedback. I’m going to offer $65 for the first month then $49/month thereafter as the founding member discount.
Your membership will begin on the 1st or 15th of the month whichever day is coming up next. You will likely receive extra days unless you enroll on a billing day. In the extra days, we hope to complete your workout and have it delivered in our app along with meeting via zoom.
This is a month-to-month membership that can be discontinued at any time. I am committed to helping you on your fitness journey however long or short it may be.
Custom Plan
Help us to design your custom plan by providing the information we need to create your plan.
Schedule your zoom meeting with Richard Straitiff
It’s time to make payment >>>click the image below<<< to begin. Your billing will begin on the 1st or 15th of the month, whichever is coming up next.