Weight Loss

Benefits of a meatless diet (Diary ok)

A meatless diet, also known as a vegetarian or vegan diet, is becoming increasingly popular for ethical, health, and environmental reasons. Here are seven benefits of a meatless diet: Better for the environment Meat production has a significant impact on the environment. Livestock farming is responsible for a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, [...]

By |2023-03-02T15:06:09-05:00March 2nd, 2023|Food, Nutrition, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Benefits of a meatless diet (Diary ok)

Hunger VS Appetite: 5 Tips to win the weight loss war

Hunger vs. Appetite: The daily weight loss battle by DRFitness Think Thin Tips for Weight Loss The war of your waistline: Hunger vs. Appetite is a never-ending daily battle between your body's need for food and your brain's desire for flavor!   You must win this battle everyday in order to lose weight and to stave [...]

By |2017-10-16T19:52:19-04:00October 6th, 2017|Nutrition, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Hunger VS Appetite: 5 Tips to win the weight loss war
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