2012.04.20 “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.”~ Michelangelo

-I believe we all are guilty of setting goals too small. 
-Set your ultimate fitness goal.  Mine is under 8% body fat with abs by September 1, 2012.

2012.04.19 “”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” ~ Wayne Gretzky

-You’re right Wayne.  You miss 100% of the workouts you didn’t do.  Those were designed to help you take steps closer to your goal.  What happens when you miss a turn on a road trip?- GPS says “RECALCULTING”

-If you don’t plan on getting to the gym, you certainly aren’t going to get that workout in.  -Make it routine

2012.04.18 “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. “~ T. S. Eliot

-Women, you wont get BUILKY by lifting weights, take that risk and workout hard, you’ll be surprised on how TONE you will start to look. 

-It is somewhat difficult to overwork your body, unless you are working out hard seven days a week then we might worry.    – work harder and you’ll see more impressive results. 

2012.04.17 “If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. ” Lawrence J. Peter

-If you don’t have a fitness goal set, or if you don’t follow our weekly workout/cardio goals you will probably not get the results we are looking for.  – so don’t be mad, expect at yourself. 

2012.04.16 “Never tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”

-I will not say there is any limit to your fitness achievement.  You can always improve on some aspect of your personal fitness or wellness.  

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