When I look at an Excel spreadsheet It frightens me because my knowledge is limited on how I can utilize it’s functions.  I can set up auto sums, simple calculations and change the colors of cells and that’s about it! 

You might be looking at the dumbbells, cables, or medicine balls at the gym in the same way, What the hell do I do with these things! How do I look like that fit person over there?  

There are two ways to tackle this situation;

  1. Do research online and attempt to figure it out. This may take awhile!
  2. Pay a professional to teach you how to use the equipment and create a workout plan for you to follow! 

I now ask my wife when attemping something in Excel as she shows me how to do the job in minutes  when it would have taken me hours! 

Takeaway here is you can save time and increase your results by consulting a professional, but it may cost you money! If you value your time then the money spent just might be worth it!

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